Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rolling Stone Magazine Releases "Best Of the Decade"

This is my favorite time of year, when every media outlet releases their "best of" editions, and since it's the end of the decade, the lists are even better!

Rolling Stone has named Radiohead's Kid A, as the best album of the 2000's, and Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy" the best song of the decade.

Good choices on both counts! "Crazy" was one of the funkiest, quirkiest, most entertaining songs that has ever graced the Top 40, and is deserving of the top spot.

Coming in behind Kid A for albums is Is This It by the Strokes and Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.

The #2 and #3 best singles of the decade were "99 Problems" by Jay-Z and "Crazy in Love" by, coincidentally his wife Beyonce.

What do you think of these choices?

If you want to check out the lists follow these links over to!

100 Best Singles of the Decade

100 Best Albums of the Decade

(Image courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree about Crazy, I love that song and always will.

    Can't wait to hear what MorethanMusiq has to say about the rest of the decade-closing charts!
