Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Avatar is CRAZY GOOD!!

People were probably a little wary about going to see James Cameron's new film Avatar because it looked a little too Sci-Fy for some. But let me tell you, if you don't see this awesome movie you'll be missing out!!

Avatar is visually amazing, and for its reported $500 million price tag, it should be!!

Even if you don't like science fiction alien stuff, this movie is mesmerizing in every sense of the word!!

One movie-goer said it was like "Pocahontas on acid." Sooo true haha! The CGI and special effects are mind blowing!

The film is already raking in some big bucks, go check it out immediately!!!

(Image courtesy of moderateinthemiddle.files.wordpress.com)


  1. Yea Avatar was absolutely amazing! I have seen it twice already. Think what you want about the trailer, but the CGI and creativity of this movie make it worth every penny. It was nothing like I had ever seen before. Go see it!
