Monday, August 17, 2009

Peter Jackson Back on Top

The Peter Jackson produce film District 9 took the #1 spot at the Box Office this weekend, raking in $37 million. The flick only cost $30 million to make so they are already in the green! The film has been getting great reviews, and I think people were excited to see another Jackson film, since he has been out of the spotlight for a while.

G.I. Joe fell to second place, while the Time Traveler's Wife came in at #3 with almost $20 million. Good to see Rachel McAdams back doin' her thang too!

Entourage star Jeremy Pivon saw his new movie The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard come in at a not so hot 6th place with $5.4 million.

On the plus side, last night's episode of Entourage was great!

1 comment:

  1. District 9 was SICK. I'm not sure if it was because I didn't really know what to expect but I can say I don't know the last time I enjoyed seeing some sick ass alien weapons unleashed on earth as much as this movie...
