Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mad Men Delivers

The season 3 premiere of AMC's Mad Men drew 2.8 million viewers Sunday night, to become the shows biggest ever episode to date.

I have not seen the show yet, but I've heard a lot of good things about it. Recently the show caused a stir with one fairly explicit gay scene involving one of the characters.

There are a lot of great shows on TV right now, which one is your favorite? At the moment I would have to say True Blood; this season is just ridiculously crazy and has gone in a direction I could never have imagined.

But Entourage is still holding its own in my opinion. Although ratings are down from last season, the boys from Queens are still up to their old tricks, but their characters have begun to evolve.

Turtle has lost a boat load of weight, and is a lot more mature in the show. He now has a girlfriend and is no longer a hound dog like he use to be. This is probably the biggest new development in the show, and I think it's a good thing.

(Image courtesy of theantiroom.files.wordpress.com)

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