Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Paula Abdul Off American Idol

It's the beginning of the end my friends. Paula Abdul has just confirmed rumors that she will NOT be returning to this season of American Idol, TV's #1 show for the past 8 years.


This is huge. When a key person/character leaves a show, you know it is the beginning of the demise. Although people love to make jokes about how crazy Abdul is, she is an entertaining fixture on the show, and the dynamics will definitely change!

It's been circulating that the reason for Abdul's exit is because they refused to pay her $20 million just to continue on with the show.

We'll have to wait for the premiere to see how the show functions without her!

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't this kindof obvious when they brought on another female judge? I assumed she was being phased out of American Idol... and our memories...
