Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stone Cold Fox

The movie doesn't come out until September, but there's already a lot of positive buzz about the Emma Stone comedy Easy A. And judging by the trailer, it's gonna be SO FUNNY!

The film is about a nerdy-but-hot girl in highschool who helps her gay friend out by pretending they had sex. After that, her reputation skyrockets!

Stone has slowly been expanding her resume, delivering laughs in Super Bad and The House Bunny, but she's the star in this movie, which means it could be the breakout role she needs to become a leading lady.

Oh, and did I mention that AMANDA BYNES is in the movie too!?!?! It's her 'last' film before she retires, and she plays the snooty popular hottie who goes head-to-head with Stone's character.

I know what I'm doing September 17, anybody wanna join me!?!

Oh and check out the trailer HERE!!
(Image courtesy of thats-all-folks.com)


  1. Can't wait to see Amanda Bynes in this movie! I'll be the one wearing all black.

  2. this movie looks sooo good! i can't believe i have to wait until september
