Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Hate To Say This...

But I saw Sex and the City 2 the other day, and as much as a I love my NYC ladies the movie was not a home run.

To start, it ran 2 and a half hours, but did not really have any clear direction. The first movie chronicled Carrie dealing with Big f-ing up and not showing up to their wedding, and how she dealt with it and what happened after.

This one did not really have anything as interesting as that storyline. Carrie and Big are married and trying to beat the "terrible two's", after having been married for almost two years. When Carrie and the girls go on an exotic vacay in some random Middle Eastern country (that completely takes away the NYC vibe that made the show so fab), she finds, of all people, AIDEN, in the middle of this crazy country.

I won't say anything more, just that the clothes were great, the dialogue and script, not so much.

Have you seen it yet??

(Image courtesy of


  1. Hahahahaha, caitlin...Asian person...can u write in English so everyone can understand!?!
