Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Just Please Go Awwayy Already!

There's a new poll up at More Than Musiq, and this time it's asking about the celebrities that you would like to see go far far farrr away.

Yup, it's the which celebrity would you most want to see cast away on a deserted island?

And there's plenttyy to choose from! Starting with Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt. Now that they are splitting up it's only fitting that they are two separate choices.

You can also choose from Paula Abdul (sorry g-friend, you peaked in 1989), Tom Cruise (can somebody say scientolo-psycho!?), and Perez Hilton (nothing against bloggers, but Perez has become a pretentious boob since he's 'realized', or imagined, that he actually matters.)

So have fun kiddos and go vote!!

(Image courtesy of


  1. This poll is hilarious, what a great follow up to which celeb should be president!

  2. Haha, I thought it was a nice little switch. Seriously, most of these celebs are sooo annoying!
