Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oprah's Got The Power...Still

Forbes Magazine has just released their annual Celebrity 100 list, compiling the most powerful stars in the world by calculating their annual income, press rank, web rank, TV/radio rank, and social rank.

And it's no big surprise that OPRAH came out on top again, after having been pushed down to #2 last year by Angelina Jolie.

The TV titan earned a ridiculous $315 million over the past year, easily being the top earner. Coming in behind her this year was Beyonce, who earned a cool $87 million last year. Avatar director James Cameron surges to #3 after he made the BIGGEST movie EVER. and a HUGE new entry on the list is Lady Gaga, who blasts in at #4 after having one of the best years of her life.

Our girl Britney Spears moves up the list to come in at #6 for the year, a much better placement from last year's #13. Spears earned $64 million last year and had one of the biggest tours worldwide. Go BRIT!!

Here's a rundown of the top 10:

1. Oprah Winfrey

2. Beyonce

3. James Cameron

4. Lady Gaga

5. Tiger Woods

6. Britney Spears

7. U2

8. Sandra Bullock

9. Johnny Depp

10. Madonna

Check out the complete 100 HERE!

(Image courtest of bostonherald.com)

1 comment:

  1. WOOOW Oprah! That is INSANE that the runner up couldn't even get to 90 mil let alone 100 and Oprah's over 300 million. Lets hear it for powerful ladies!!
