Monday, June 28, 2010

Daytime Emmys Like Ellen (obv) and Cash Cab?

The Datime Emmy Awards were last night, and to no one's surpise the Ellen Degeneres Show won its 5th award for Best Talk Show. Duh, she's the best! Ellen has so many Emmys now she probably uses them as paperweights!

In the "that guy won?" category, Ben Bailey won for Best Game Show Host for Cash Cab, and the show overall was the winner for Best Game Show.

Interesttingg. Cash Cab is an awesome show, but I didn't think that Bailey was the best host.

I would tell you more about the winners...but since daytime tv (aka soaps) aren't really my cup of tea, I'll just leave it at that!

(Image courtesy of


  1. Okay, I really resent that comment about Ben Bailey. He's awesome and if you're reading this Ben... find me.

  2. Oh, and even though Ellen was the obvious choice, I'm so happy that it is SO obvious that Ellen is so awesome!!
