Tuesday, June 22, 2010

1 Year Later and MJ Lives On

This week marks the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death. To commemorate his legacy, fans all over the world, including a bevy of media outlets, are putting together memorial pages that take a look at the troubled pop star's life and career.
Today Billboard released a Chart Beat column with some interesting statistics on MJ's ridiculously successful career. Here are some highlights:

* Male artist with the most #1 singles in history (13)

* Thriller is the best-selling album OF ALL TIME

* MJ's Bad album is the only album ever to yield 5 #1 singles.

RIP King of Pop

(Image courtesy of scrapetv.com)


  1. What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?

  2. Oooo good question! There are tons of classics, but Billie Jean is probably my favorite. I also love Rock With You, The Way You Make Me Feel, and tonss more!

  3. Dude I was bumping his shiz all day in my trickity truck
