Thursday, April 29, 2010

Poor, Poor, Whitney

This is so sad, because she had one of the most iconic voices in the history of pop music.

Whitney Houston may have done OK with a #1 'comeback' album last year, but her recent European/Australia tour has been a DISASTER. If you've heard, Whitney's voice is GONE. The once untouchable voice is just a shadow of its former self, leaving pop music fans heartbroken all around the world.

During one of her concerts in Australia, fans actually left the concert because Whitney would take breaks mid-song, cough, be off-key, and just look a hot mess!

I blame Bobby Brown for getting her hooked on coke and ruining that voice everyone loved!

Check out a classic vid of Whitney singing back in 1987, and one from 2010. BIG DIFFERENCE.

(Image courtesy of

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