Monday, April 19, 2010

Kick-Ass Gets Ass-Kicked at the Box Office

The new R-rated superhero comedy Kick Ass tanked at the box office this weekend, earning just $19 million since its release on Friday.

Industry experts were predicting earlier last week that the movie could pull in as much as $35 million, with all of the good buzz and reviews its been getting. But alas, it just wasn't meant to be.

The film had to settle for the #2 spot, with 3-D pic How to Train your Dragon reclaiming the top spot with $20 million earned and a total haul of $158.6 million.

Tina Fey and Steve Carell's Date Night slipped to #3 with $17.3 million and an overhaul gross of $49.2 million.

I still want to see Kick-Ass, despite its poor showing. Did anyone see it? Thoughts?

(Image courtesy of


  1. Haven't heard of this movie yet but Date Night is being really heavily advertised over here.

  2. You couldnt pay me to go see that movie. I'll keep my ten dollars

  3. I think that Kick Ass' problem is it's R-rating. They've eliminated, or at least restricted, their 13-17 year old audience. This demographic is the target audience for a superhero movie...

  4. I agree, Dan. The R rating is definitely their biggest problem.
