Tuesday, November 10, 2009

'Precious' Already Earning Oscar Buzz

Hollywood is already buzzing about Precious, this little independent film starring newcomer Gabourey "Gabby" Sidibe, Mo'Nique, Paula Patton, and Mariah Carey. Now, I know you may be thinking, 'WTF, Mariah Carey?' But this movie shows you a side of the pop icon that you have never seen.

Based on the novel Push by Sapphire, the story of a high school girl who has already gotten pregnant twice by her father and lives with her abusive mother (Mo'Nique), has people thinking that some Oscar nominations are in order for some of the stars.

Mo'Nique, best known for her comedic prowess, is a complete MONSTER in the film, chilling audiences to the bone with the way she treats her daughter Precious (played by Sidibe). Most critics are saying that Mo'Nique is a sure thing in this year's race for Best Supporting Actress.

I recommend that everyone go check out the film!

(Image courtesy of media.daemonsmovies.com)

1 comment:

  1. The movie was absolutely incredible: it will make you laugh and cry with its honesty and raw storytelling. Lee Daniels has captured a beautiful story about a girl that we all know, or don't want to know, and opens our eyes and hearts to topics that we are always to afraid to talk about!

    The movie released on Friday in limited release and broke box office records! On November 13, it expands to 5 new markets and on November 20, it expands to 98 markets (and will open in Boston, New Haven, and Hartfod for all Worcester and Clark University students)!

    Bring a box of tissues, and be prepared to watch this powerful story!! Also, look out for great performances by Mariah Carey and Lenny Kravitz!
