Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon Delivers Lovey Dovey Cheesy Greatness

I was fortunate enough to catch the midnight showing for New Moon last night, and let me tell you, I was in cheesy vampire heaven the whole two hours!

I forgot how fantastically ridiculous these books and movies are. The teen angst, the undead depression, it's all so over the top that you can't help but be glued to your seat the entire time.

The theater was packed (and there were 3 other theaters open for the midnight showing as well) and this time around the crowd was a bit older, and a bit more diverse.

Last year's Twilight premiere was filled with 14-year-old girls and their moms, this time around the audience was older, mostly college students and much more guys than the previous year. Could this be a sign that the series is reaching a wider audience?

Who knows. Who cares really. As long as Edward and Jacob appear shirtless in the next film for an hour, all is well in the world.

(Image courtesy of

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