Monday, November 9, 2009

Aussies Pissed at Britney

Some Britney Spears fans in Australia are none too happy with the pop queen's decision to lip-sync during her 14 date tour around the country.

After her kick off performance in Perth last week, some concert goer's left after a couple songs, saying that the show was boring and that she was lip-syncing the whole time.

Two things...

First of all, DUH. These people are idiots if they expected to go to a Britney show and hear her sing live. It's something all of us die-hard fans have come to expect, and although it's not the perfect situation we feel she makes up for it in many ways (i.e. dancing, putting on a great show, etc)

And secondly, even if she was lip-syncing there is NO WAY these people left because her concert was boring; The Circus Tour is anything But! With magician's, circus performers, martial arts artists and TONS MORE, no one could go see that concert and be bored.

These people are just looking to complain, they should shut their mouths, and be banned from any more Britney concerts.

They don't deserve to see her!

(Image courtesy of


  1. i can't tell if you are a bias britney fan or not...??

  2. absolutely not, completely objective...

  3. objective as all true bloggers are...
