Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dance Track of the Day

Man, every time you think you've heard the last of Cascada, they come out with another dance jam to blast on the radio!

Their latest hit is "Evacuate the Dance Floor" a #1 hit already in Europe and now it is starting to climb up the charts here in the states!

What makes Cascada able to come back again and again is the fact that lead singer Natalie Horler has the pipes to carry a club-stomping song like this.

Cascada has done an acoustic version of the song as well, so you can really hear Natalie's voice!

Check it out both versions below!

FAST: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uDixD4tXXU

ACOUSTIC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KCFbhcLrMw

(Image courtesy of farm4.static.flickr.com/)

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