Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gleefully Giddy

So I was able to watch the pilot for Fox's new show Glee, and if you are in to realllly good singing and musicals, then this show is for you!

Now, in terms of plot and characters, it's pretty much as good as a Fox show can get, but what makes the show special is the ridiculously entertaining performances that the lead cast members put on during the episode.

Lea Michele plays Rachel Berry, the super talented lead singer of the glee club, who knows she's got talent. Her performance with leading man and stone cold fox Finn (played by Cory Monteith) of Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" is so good it's scary.

I'm not going to put a youtube link for you to go listen to this song because I want you to go on Itunes and BUY IT!!

(Image courtesy of

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