Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Well, I think this was inevitable; after seeing my friends and roommates slip into a coma when I start talking about how the Black Eyed Peas have had the #1 song on the Billboard Hot 100 for the last 15 weeks, or how excited I am that Britney finally made her comeback, I've realized I need a different outlet for my incessant prattling about music.

This blog is for anyone who loves to talk about music, whether it be industry news, concert news, or just anything related to your favorite band or artist. More than Music is also open to any pop culture banter in general; if you want to talk about Brangelina, or Lohan's recent skank-ness, feel free.

This is the first entry of many to come in the future. Welcome to More than Musiq, Let's rock.

1 comment:

  1. What you neeeeed to do is a blog on the Disney classis Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Watched it the other day and it's a classic that will bring back the greatest of days.

    this movie is crazy
