Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pink, Green Day Added to VMA Line Up

Two colorful acts, Pink and Green Day have just been announced as performers for the MTV Video Music Awards being held Live in New York on September 13th. The two artists join already announced performers Taylor Swift and Muse.

This is a pretty good lineup so far. Let's see if they can snag Britney for the show! It's been fairly well-known that MTV has been able to see their ratings improve for the awards show because of the appearances made by Britney in 2007 and 2008. (We all remember the disastrous performance of "Gimme More." And last year all she did was talk for 30 seconds, win 3 awards, and still it was a ratings success!)


  1. If it was two years in a row how can they be sure it was because of her? And not something else?

  2. Umm HELLO!? It was definitely because of Britney. Every advertisement promoted either her performance (2007) or the fact that she was opening the show (2008.) and NOTHING else.
