Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Best Rapper Ever

Vibe Magazine has been conducting an online survey asking people to tell them who they think the best rapper of all time is. They've been able to narrow the playing field down to two, and they are...

Eminem and 2Pac?

Who's voting for this? Eminem was able to beat out legends like Jay-Z and Biggy? Hmmm, interesting. 2Pac deserves to be in the final two, but I think there are better and more talented MC's than Marshall Mathers.

What do you think?


  1. This is disgusting. 2pac is clearly the better rapper. While marshall tends to do songs about this favorite subject (himself) and only branchces off when he needs a chart topper to pay the bills (that GOD AWFUL smack that song to me offended rap music, and i'm a white girl from nh)or when he decides to insult a teeny bopper in a failed attempt to shock a pretty unshockable society, 2pac actually took a very introspective look at the society he lived in, wrote what I consider beautiful poetry (thugz mansion makes me cry) and put it to a hip-hop beat.

  2. Eminem may be a bit of a d and not always write about the best subjects, but there is no one else who can bring words together that comes close to how well he can rhyme. Every part of every word fits together, you have to respect that.
