Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's Britney Spears Tuesday!!!

It's Britney Spears Tuesday Y'all!!

Today marks the release of Brit's SEVENTH studio album (yes, lucky number 7!) and there are she has officially taken over the media world.

Not only did she KILL it on Good Morning America this morning, but MTV is dedicating the entire day to her, and also airing a new mini-documentary about the lead up to the release of Femme Fatale.

Britney has had 5 of her albums debut at #1 (only Blackout, missed the top spot in 2007, coming in a #2 behind some heated controversy), and it Femme is expected to become big numba six!!

I don't want to jinx it, but I predict the album to open in the 375-450K area, but Britney can always surprise us with some BIG numbers.

I bought my album bright and her this morning, DID YOU!!?!

(Image courtesy of girlstalkinsmack.com)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rihanna Strikes a Pose for RS

R&B/Pop superstar Rihanna is the latest cover girl for Rolling Stone Magazine, looking super sexy and fierce!

This is the first time Ri Ri has been on the cover of RS, which makes me wonder why she hasn't been on it sooner!?

There's also an exclusive interview with Britney Spears in the latest issue, which hits stands this Friday.

Can't wait!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Another Down Weekend at the Box Office

Well, either people are sick of going to the movies, or Hollywood's just been turning out a crap load of crap...or maybe it's a combo of both!

We saw another lame weekend at the Box Office, with Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules claiming the top spot with a reported $24.4 million. That's not a terrible first weekend-haul, but it's the film that came in at the #2 spot that was really the big disappointment.

Zack Snyder's much hyped Sucker Punch proved that even with a fury of CGI booms and bangs and hot girl fighting action, it doesn't always equal Box Office gold.

The film earned only $19 million, meaning it'll have a tough time making back it's reported $80 million budget.

To date, only 2 films have crossed the $100 million mark this year - Adam Sandler's much maligned Just Go With It and the top grossing film of the year? Rango.

Yup, it's been that bad of a year. Let's hope the summer blockbusters (Green Lantern, Thor, The Hangover 2) create some friction or Hollywood's on BIG trouble!

(Image courtesy of suckerpunchtrailer.net)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Britney's Femme Fatale Getting Rave Reviews

It hasn't even been released yet, but Britney Spears' new album Femme Fatale is getting rave reviews from BIG publications, particularly Rolling Stone Magazine, which gave the new album 4 stars.

Here's some of what they had to say:

"Britney Spears is pop music's stealth avant-gardist. For years, critics have dismissed her as a cipher with a wisp of a voice. But from the minute she burst on the scene — heralded by the keyboard power chords of ". . . Baby One More Time" — her music has steered bubblegum into weirder, woollier territory. "Toxic" was a mélange of Bollywood and spy-movie guitar; "Piece of Me" was an essay on 21st-century tabloid infamy crooned over 22nd-century club rhythms. Then there's this year's "Hold It Against Me," which dissolves into a furious dubstep breakdown — easily the most assaultive beat on the Hot 100 right now."

SO true!! Britney has been in the forefront of "edgy" pop for over a decade now, and it's about time that everyone realizes the huge impact she's had on pop culture. Rolling Stone goes on to say:

"Femme Fatale may be Britney's best album; certainly it's her strangest. Conceptually it's straightforward: a party record packed with sex and sadness. Max Martin and Dr. Luke, the world's two biggest hitmakers, are responsible for seven of 12 songs: big melodies and bigger Eurodisco thumps. But other producers go nuts, tossing the kitchen sink at Britney. The Bloodshy-helmed "How I Roll" is sputtering, oddly beautiful techno. In "Big Fat Bass," Will.i.am turns Britney into a cyborg obsessed with low-end. ("The bass is getting bigger!" she exults.) On nearly every track, Britney's voice is twisted, shredded, processed, roboticized. Maybe this is because she doesn't have much of a voice; it's certainly because she, more than almost any other pop diva, is simply game. Femme fatale? Not so much. But say this for Britney: She's an adventuress."

All in all, this sounds like a pretty stellar review, and I for one simply cannot WAIT until the album comes out!!

(Image courtesy of http://www.hotnewsonglyrics.com/)

(Image courtesy of http://www.hotnewsonglyrics.com/)

Good Ol' Naughty Fun

Sometimes all you want to do is listen to a super sleazy down and dirty dance ditty, and Wynter Gordon (yes...she spells her name with a 'y') DELIVERS with her guilty pleasure club stomper "Dirty Talk".

The American born songstress reached the top of the Australian and the U.S. dance charts with this jam, which is inescapably catchy.

I DARE you to listen to "Dirty Talk" and not get up and shake it!!

(Image courtesy of http://www.musicboxmix.net/)

Bradley Cooper Delivers in Limitless

Bradley Cooper's latest flick Limitless was released the weekend, and to much buzz and fairly decent reviews, and after seeing the film I can now say that all the hype was well worth it!

The movie (which topped this weekend's box office with a cool $19 million) follows Cooper's character Eddie, a struggling down in the dumps writer who gets his hands on a pill that allows him to utilize 100% off his brain (SICK concept!!).

Obviously drama ensues blah blah blah....

But in all seriousness, it was a really good movie! Cooper and costar Robert De Niro are a super bro-dude combo that sizzles on screen, and the fact that the former Mr. Renee Zellweger is shirtless (and pants-less at one point) definitely draws in the female (and gay) demographic.

So definitely check out the movie, for some good ol' fashion big screen fun!!

(Image courtesy of buznet.com)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hell Has Finally Frozen Over: Snooki on the Cover of Rolling Stone Magazine

Rolling Stone Magazine has hit a new low by putting The Jersey Shore's Snooki on their most recent cover...riding a rocket ship and looking like oompa loomp cowboy.

I mean, I love Snooki, don't get me wrong, but I also love Rolling Stone. Over the last 5 years however, the publication has taken a sharp turn away from music and more into the pop culture-Us Weekly-gossip world, as this cover is certainly proving.

What do you think of Snooki's cover?

(Image courtesy of Rollingstone.com)

New Poll: Favorite Television Comedy

Some of the best shows on TV right now are comedies, and this season is turning out to be an extremely entertaining one for people who like to kick back and laugh.

That's why More Than Musiq's new poll asks: What is Your Favorite Comedy on Television?

Here are your options:

Modern Family
How I Met Your Mother
The Big Bang Theory

All of these shows get a thumbs up in my book, but I'm sure you guys all have your personal favorite! So don't waste any time and get to voting NOW!

(Image courtesy of http://www.entertainmentwallpaper.com/)

Brit Lookin' SEXY

Pop icon and our favorite former teen dream Britney Spears is looking amazing in her photo shoot for V Magazine!

From what pics have been released, Brit looks like she did back in 2004, super fit, sexy, and most of all, happy!

I think I speak for TONS of people when I say that 2011 will most definitely be a huge year for Brit! She's already collected her 4th #1 single, and is generating buzz for her upcoming performance on Good Morning America, her album release, AND the rumors that she'll be going on another world tour!!

Ahh, we can't wait!!!

Adele Storms U.S. Album Chart

Sweet Victory!

UK songbird Adele officially cemented her status as a U.S. heavy hitter today, with her sophomore album 21 debuting atop the Billboard 200 with a reported 352,000 copies sold.

That sum is the biggest opener since Kanye West's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday debuted back in in December both when they both topped 375,000.

21 has been sitting atop the world album charts for 4 consecutive weeks, and with this hefty debut in the U.S. she almost guarantees at least another week ruling the world of music.

And she's only 21 (hence the album title). You know who else is 21? Taylor Swift, and Adele's voice and songs puts Taylor Lautner's ex to shame!!

Here's a run down of this week's top 10 albums:

1. Adele 21 (352,000)

2. Justin Bieber Never Say Never: The Remixes (102,000)

3. Mumford and Sons Sigh No More (71,000)

4. Now That's What I Call Music 37 (58,000)

5. Justin Bieber My World 2.0 (42,000)

6. Bruno Mars Doo-Wops & Hooligans (37,000)

7. Eminem Recovery (34,000)

8. Rihanna Loud (33,000)

9. Nicki Minaj Pink Friday (33,000)

10. Lady Antebellum Need You Now (28,000)

(Image courtesy of http://timbretantrum.com/)