Sunday, March 27, 2011

Another Down Weekend at the Box Office

Well, either people are sick of going to the movies, or Hollywood's just been turning out a crap load of crap...or maybe it's a combo of both!

We saw another lame weekend at the Box Office, with Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules claiming the top spot with a reported $24.4 million. That's not a terrible first weekend-haul, but it's the film that came in at the #2 spot that was really the big disappointment.

Zack Snyder's much hyped Sucker Punch proved that even with a fury of CGI booms and bangs and hot girl fighting action, it doesn't always equal Box Office gold.

The film earned only $19 million, meaning it'll have a tough time making back it's reported $80 million budget.

To date, only 2 films have crossed the $100 million mark this year - Adam Sandler's much maligned Just Go With It and the top grossing film of the year? Rango.

Yup, it's been that bad of a year. Let's hope the summer blockbusters (Green Lantern, Thor, The Hangover 2) create some friction or Hollywood's on BIG trouble!

(Image courtesy of

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