Thursday, April 29, 2010

Poor, Poor, Whitney

This is so sad, because she had one of the most iconic voices in the history of pop music.

Whitney Houston may have done OK with a #1 'comeback' album last year, but her recent European/Australia tour has been a DISASTER. If you've heard, Whitney's voice is GONE. The once untouchable voice is just a shadow of its former self, leaving pop music fans heartbroken all around the world.

During one of her concerts in Australia, fans actually left the concert because Whitney would take breaks mid-song, cough, be off-key, and just look a hot mess!

I blame Bobby Brown for getting her hooked on coke and ruining that voice everyone loved!

Check out a classic vid of Whitney singing back in 1987, and one from 2010. BIG DIFFERENCE.

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Greatest Actor of Our Generation?

The great Robert Downey Jr. graces the latest cover of Rolling Stone Magazine. On its website, Rolling Stone says Downey is the greatest actor of our generation.

Really? I mean, he is a fantastic actor with the ability to play pretty much any character, but I don't know if I'd go as far as saying he was the greatest of our generation! There are a lot of great actors; Sean Penn, Kate Winslet, Hillary Swank, that could be considered the greatest. (Heck, Swank has ALREADY won two oscars in her short decade of a career.)

Iron Man 2 looks sick, the first Iron Man was AWESOME, and Downy Jr. has had a roller coaster ride of a career. He's great, but not the greatest in my book.

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Biggest Loser = This Season of American Idol

Has anybody been watching this season of American Idol? Anyone? I thought so.

After much hype after the addition of Ellen as a judge on the talent show, fans and audiences were excited to see what this year's batch of hopefuls had to offer. Unfortunately they're about as entertaining as watching Heidi Montag try to chew her food after getting her chin done.

The show is seeing its lowest ratings in years, and Dancing With The Stars has even had more viewers than the once unbeatable show.

All of the contestants are boring as hell, with none sticking out as a front-runner. And most of them rely on their sub-par acoustic guitar to help cover up the fact that they don't have very good voices.

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Have you been watching? Thoughts?

My New Anthem

I LOVE Paramore's Hayley Williams, and have always thought that she would eventually venture into some solo action of her own, and now, she has! Well kind of...

Williams is featured in the new B.O.B. song "Airplanes", which is already in the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100, and my new favorite song!

B.O.B. is a pretty decent rapper/lyricist, but the addition of Williams singing the hook on this jam makes it a KILLER track. B.O.B currently has the #1 song in the country with "Nothing on You", and this song I could definitely see reaching the top of the charts as well!

Check out "Airplanes" and judge for yourself!

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Music Tuesday

You may remember Shontelle, the cute R&B girl who scored a moderate top 40 hit in 2008 with "T-Shirt", you know, that song about wearing her boyfriend's t-shirt when he's not deep.


She's breaking back into the mainstream top 40 with her latest single "Impossible", which is a vast improvement over "T-Shirt." There's none of that cheesy pop-ness to it, but it's still melodic and her voice sounds a lot more strong and confident. It's much more R&B, which is a good thing.

Check out Shontelle's "Impossible."

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Kick-Ass Gets Ass-Kicked at the Box Office

The new R-rated superhero comedy Kick Ass tanked at the box office this weekend, earning just $19 million since its release on Friday.

Industry experts were predicting earlier last week that the movie could pull in as much as $35 million, with all of the good buzz and reviews its been getting. But alas, it just wasn't meant to be.

The film had to settle for the #2 spot, with 3-D pic How to Train your Dragon reclaiming the top spot with $20 million earned and a total haul of $158.6 million.

Tina Fey and Steve Carell's Date Night slipped to #3 with $17.3 million and an overhaul gross of $49.2 million.

I still want to see Kick-Ass, despite its poor showing. Did anyone see it? Thoughts?

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Carrie Underwood Becomes Bonafide Country Legend

If you look at what Carrie Underwood has achieved in her short five-year career, it's unbelievable!

The Season 4 American Idol winner is no longer known as just an American Idol winner, she is a bonafide country ICON, moving towards the upper echelon of country legend status.

Last night Underwood became the first female EVER to win back-to-back Entertainer of the Year awards at the Academy of Country Music Awards. She took home the prize last year, becoming one of only a handful of woman to ever win won, but now she has two!!

This is a BIG deal.

Underwood also earned her 12th, yes I said 12th, #1 country single this month with "Temporary Home", and she scored another #1 album.

Her debut release Some Hearts was the biggest selling country album of the DECADE, and she is the best-selling AI winner ever!

Congrats to Miz Underwood on all of her success! (And for a complete list of ACM winners click here!)

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Poll Results and New Poll!!

It's been busy busy busy this past couple of weeks, but the More Than Musiq poll closed a few days back, and there's a winner!

YOU voted for your favorite female singer, and coming out on top is none other than our fave pop icon Britney Spears!!!

Brit Brit garnered 31% of the vote, beating on second place finisher Rihanna, who managed to get 25%.

Looks like people still love our queen of pop!

It's crazy to think that Spears has been in the limelight for 11 years now, when most people thought she's just be a flash in the pan!!

Go Brit!!

Now our new poll is going in a different direction. Celebrities are ridiculous. They love to be the center of attention, and more often than not they get a lot of attention for doings something really stupid. Like say, run for political office.

More Than Musiq's new poll will ask readers to vote for which celeb they'd vote for for President! The list has been narrowed down to five candidates, so choose wisely. You never know, in ten years we could be saying "Yes madam President Oprah."

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I Don't Get Excited About BEP

The Black Eyed Peas are the latest cover stars for Rolling Stone Magazine, for their special issue State of Rock: 40 Reasons to Get Excited About Music...

I'm sorry, but The Black Eyed Peas do not get me excited about the state of music these days. I know they had a HUGE year in '09, but their generic dance-pop is nothing innovative or rock & roll-inspiring.

I hope the content is better than the cover.

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OMG is Will Ferrell Funny Again!?!

Will Ferrell has been in some GOD AWFUL SHITTY movies lately. Remember Land of the Lost? Gag.

It's been a while since Ferrell has actually made anybody laugh, but his upcoming flick with smokin' hottie Mark Wahlberg looks promising.

The Other Guys follows Ferrell and Wahlberg as wimpy cops who never leave the office. But they get caught up in this huge case and hilarity obviously ensues.

Critics often underestimate Wahlberg's comedic timing, and in this preview it looks like he hits his mark every time.

Check out the preview for The Other Guys.

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Dance Track of the Day

It' been a while since More Than Musiq featured a killer dance track, so here's one for the books!

American Idol season 6 runner-up Blake Lewis is racing up the Billboard Dance charts with his latest single "Heartbreak on Vinyl".

Lewis has pretty much been MIA since he came in second place to Jordin Sparks, but this track is actually not that bad. His voice is solid, and although the beats a pretty typical one, it works!

Take a listen to Heartbreak on Vinyl.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm not a Huge Oprah Fan, but I do Love My Glee!

Now, I'm not one to rush home every day to make sure I catch Oprah at 4pm, but today is an exception.

It's Glee day! The entire cast of the awesome Fox show will be on Oprah, performing LIVE!!!

My dreams are coming true!! I get to hear Leah Michelle sing Glee songs LIVE!! Her voice is one in a million, and I honestly cannot wait!!

So make sure you tune in (or DVR) Oprah today, because we are all in for an afternoon of pure entertainment!

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Usher and Beiber Lock Down Top 2

Usher's latest album Raymond V. Raymond debuts at the top of the Billboard 200 this week, selling a solid 329,000 copies, displacing last week's top seller and Usher protege Justin Beiber and his second album My World 2.0, which falls to #2.

Beiber's disc actually saw a 3% increase in sales to 291,000. It's extremely rare for an album to post a sales GAIN after its debut week, so congrats to the little guy!

This is Usher's third straight #1 album, starting with Confessions in 2004, and Here I Stand in 2008. Unfortunately he has not been able to reach the monster smash of Confessions, which sold over 10 million copies in the U.S. and turned him into an R&B/Pop powerhouse.

Here's a rundown of this week's top 10 albums:

1. Usher Raymond V Raymond (329,000)

2. Justin Beiber My World 2.0 (291,000)

3. Various Artists Now 33 (123,000)

4. Erykah Badu New Amerykah, Part Two: Return of the Ankh (110,000)

5. Lady Antebellum Need You Now (87,000)

6. Monica Still Standing (81,000)

7. Alan Jackson Freight Train (72,000)

8. Justin Beiber My World (63,000)

9. Lady Gaga The Fame (49,000)

10. Black Eyed Peas The E.N.D. (43,000)

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Two Days Left!

There are only two days left to vote on More Than Musiq's latest poll, Who's Your Favorite Female Singer?

Right now our girl Britney is in the lead, but with last minute votes it's anyone's game!!

Keep voting!

A Lil Bit O' Country

Every so often I stumble on youtube and find a great country track from the 90's. I have been appreciating country music more and more over the years, and now that artists like Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood are MAJOR players in the pop music world, there's a whole new generation of country fans.

An artist who has been pretty quiet recently is feisty red-haed Jo De Messina. The singer racked up 12 top 10 country hits from 1996 to 2005, including four #1's. I've always been a fan, and so here's one of her old school hits!

"Heads Carolina, Tails California" was Messina's first single, and it hit #2 on the country charts. Her voice is awesome, and the song is super catchy!

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