Monday, April 19, 2010

Poll Results and New Poll!!

It's been busy busy busy this past couple of weeks, but the More Than Musiq poll closed a few days back, and there's a winner!

YOU voted for your favorite female singer, and coming out on top is none other than our fave pop icon Britney Spears!!!

Brit Brit garnered 31% of the vote, beating on second place finisher Rihanna, who managed to get 25%.

Looks like people still love our queen of pop!

It's crazy to think that Spears has been in the limelight for 11 years now, when most people thought she's just be a flash in the pan!!

Go Brit!!

Now our new poll is going in a different direction. Celebrities are ridiculous. They love to be the center of attention, and more often than not they get a lot of attention for doings something really stupid. Like say, run for political office.

More Than Musiq's new poll will ask readers to vote for which celeb they'd vote for for President! The list has been narrowed down to five candidates, so choose wisely. You never know, in ten years we could be saying "Yes madam President Oprah."

(Image courtesy of


  1. Tim, its not fair if you vote 100 times. this poll was skewed!

  2. haha no it wasn't I swear!! don't lie...u voted for her
