Monday, January 18, 2010

Golden Globes Love Avatar, The Hangover

Last night's Golden Globe Awards were HIGHLY entertaining, due mostly by the fact that Ricky Gervais was hosting and was not afraid to take hits at even the biggest celebs in the building.

I almost keeled over laughing when he joked about Mel Gibson's drinking he was bringing him on stage as a presenter!!

Besides the superb hosting, the show offered some surprises, as well as some obvious choices as we countdown the days til the Oscars!!

Winning Best Motion Picture Drama went to Avatar, with James Cameron also winning for Best Director. I was somewhat surprised by the Best Picture win, but not really. This is an epic movie that will go down in history.

Winning best Motion Picture Comedy was The Hangover. YES! The monster hit deserved to win, as it was definitely the funniest frickin' movie to be released in 2009.

The acting trophies went to oscar front-runners Jeff Bridges, who won for Best Actor in a Drama for his role in Crazy Heart, Sandra Bullock who won Best Actress in a Drama for The Blind Side, and Mo'Nique, who continued her awards season sweep by winning Best Supporting Actress for her role in Precious.

On the television side, I was ecstatic to see that Glee won for Best television series musical or comedy! It was the only candidate that fit the criteria 100%, and it was the best new show on television this past year!!

Another surprise was Michael C. Hall winning for Best Actor in a Drama Series for Dexter (a personal favorite of mine), and John Lithgow winning Best Supporting Actor for his turn as Dexter's crazy-ass serial killer!!

All-in-all, a great awards show!

(Image courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. Yesss Dexter! I'm so glad they both won! And it was some deserved happiness for Michael C. Hall in the middle of some tough times. I'm also pumped about Glee! (exclamation point for emphasis - shout the name in your head) winning, although I was sad for Mr. Schu at first he got his globe after all!

