Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stone Cold Fox

The movie doesn't come out until September, but there's already a lot of positive buzz about the Emma Stone comedy Easy A. And judging by the trailer, it's gonna be SO FUNNY!

The film is about a nerdy-but-hot girl in highschool who helps her gay friend out by pretending they had sex. After that, her reputation skyrockets!

Stone has slowly been expanding her resume, delivering laughs in Super Bad and The House Bunny, but she's the star in this movie, which means it could be the breakout role she needs to become a leading lady.

Oh, and did I mention that AMANDA BYNES is in the movie too!?!?! It's her 'last' film before she retires, and she plays the snooty popular hottie who goes head-to-head with Stone's character.

I know what I'm doing September 17, anybody wanna join me!?!

Oh and check out the trailer HERE!!
(Image courtesy of thats-all-folks.com)

Oprah's Got The Power...Still

Forbes Magazine has just released their annual Celebrity 100 list, compiling the most powerful stars in the world by calculating their annual income, press rank, web rank, TV/radio rank, and social rank.

And it's no big surprise that OPRAH came out on top again, after having been pushed down to #2 last year by Angelina Jolie.

The TV titan earned a ridiculous $315 million over the past year, easily being the top earner. Coming in behind her this year was Beyonce, who earned a cool $87 million last year. Avatar director James Cameron surges to #3 after he made the BIGGEST movie EVER. and a HUGE new entry on the list is Lady Gaga, who blasts in at #4 after having one of the best years of her life.

Our girl Britney Spears moves up the list to come in at #6 for the year, a much better placement from last year's #13. Spears earned $64 million last year and had one of the biggest tours worldwide. Go BRIT!!

Here's a rundown of the top 10:

1. Oprah Winfrey

2. Beyonce

3. James Cameron

4. Lady Gaga

5. Tiger Woods

6. Britney Spears

7. U2

8. Sandra Bullock

9. Johnny Depp

10. Madonna

Check out the complete 100 HERE!

(Image courtest of bostonherald.com)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Too Hot To Handle

Angelina Jolie graces the latest cover of Vanity Fair Magazine. Entertainment Weekly reports that the Oscar winner is extremely candid in the interview, talking about her kids, BRAD, and her career.

Can't wait to pick it up!

(Image courtesy of EW.com)

Daytime Emmys Like Ellen (obv) and Cash Cab?

The Datime Emmy Awards were last night, and to no one's surpise the Ellen Degeneres Show won its 5th award for Best Talk Show. Duh, she's the best! Ellen has so many Emmys now she probably uses them as paperweights!

In the "that guy won?" category, Ben Bailey won for Best Game Show Host for Cash Cab, and the show overall was the winner for Best Game Show.

Interesttingg. Cash Cab is an awesome show, but I didn't think that Bailey was the best host.

I would tell you more about the winners...but since daytime tv (aka soaps) aren't really my cup of tea, I'll just leave it at that!

(Image courtesy of tqn.com)

Chris Brown's Road to Redeeming Himself?

I didn't think it was possible, but Chris Brown may have begun the process of redeeming himself last night at the BET Awards.

His dance tribute to Michael Jackson was SO phenomenal, and at the end when he broke down and started crying and couldn't sing, it seemed genuine. Wow.

People in the audience gave him a standing ovation, rightfully so. I have never seen such an on-point tribute to MJ, it was unbelievable. Brown's career has been in the crapper ever since he beat up ex-girlfriend Rihanna, and I assumed he'd be out for the count...forever.

But after last night, i don't know. It really proved that this kid has some serious talent. It will be interesting to see if the industry accepts him back in after everything he has done and been through.

Watch the performance HERE.


(Image courtesy of bet.com)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Drake's The F***ing Best

Drake's first full-length studio album Thank Me Later sold a seismic 447,000 copies this week, easily putting him at #1 on the Billboard 200 album chart, earning him the third biggest sales week of the year.

Pretty impressive for the former Degrassi star. Over the past year and half Drake has been one of the biggest names in hip hop, and this hefty debut only helps to cement his status as one of the hottest new rappers around.

Coming in at #2 this week is the latest album from Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers with their set Mojo. The CD sold 125,000 copies, giving Petty his best opening week ever.

Here's a rundown of the top 10 albums of the week:

1. Drake Thank Me Later (477,000)

2. Tom Petty Mojo (125,000)

3. Sarah McLachlan Laws of Illusion (94,000)

4. Now 34 (88,000)

5. Jack Johnson To The Sea (68,000)

6. Eclipse Soundtrack (55,000)

7. Justin Bieber My World 2.0 (47,000)

8. Lady Antebellum Need You Now (40,000)

9. Christina Aguilera Bionic (40,000)

10. Glee: The Music, Journey to Regional's (39,000)

Source: Billboard

(Image courtesy of collegian.psu.edu)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Clarkson Back in the Studio

Kelly Clarkson took to her Twitter account today and announced some exciting news about her upcoming album.

Officially recorded the first song for my 5th album today! It's so awesome and is a duet but I can't tell you who quite yet :)

Woopwoop! I wonder who the special duet is with?!?!

Clarkson's last album All I Ever Wanted hit #1 in the U.S., but wasn't a huge seller, so let's hope she'll deliver some more classics like "Since U Been Gone" or "Behind These Hazel Eyes."

Can't wait!

(Image courtesy of specialnewsonline.files.wordpress.com)


I'm surprised I haven't done this yet on More Than Musiq, but I feel it's time to announce...

My Top 10 Britney Spears songs!!

It was a hard decision considering the countless classic Ms. Spears has delivered over the years, but I'm comfortable with my decision. I give a little info as to why I chose which song, but most of them need no explanation:
10. "I Got That (Boom Boom)

- It was never a single, but this collaboration with the Ying Yang twins was a highlight from Spears' 2004 album In the Zone. It's a club-ready dance track that just begs you to move your body. And it's a great workout song!

9. "If U Seek Amy"

- Expletives aside, "If U Seek Amy" was another little slap in the face to haters and critics who trashed her in the media. The song became another top 20 hit for Spears, confirming the truth that all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if u seek Amy.

8. "3"

- #8 was originally going to "Oops...I Did it Again!" but this raunchy dance ditty about getting it on with three...or four...on the floor, is one of the best tongue and cheek songs EVER, let alone one of Brit's best! This track came from Spears' second greatest hits album, a nice little ending to a decade of hit making.

7. "I'm A Slave 4 U"

- This was the make it or break single for Spears, who had to evolve from teeny bopper singer to adult pop star. It wasn't the smoothest road, but this Neptunes-produced track received rave reviews, with its slinky beat and come-hither lyrics like oh baby, don't you wanna, dance up on me? Yes please!

6. "(You Drive Me) Crazy"

- The third single from Britney's debut album, "Crazy" was a 3 minute shot of pop heroin that would satisfy any junkie's need. From the insanely catchy chorus to the eye-popping video (with a young Adrian Grenier) this song announced that Spears was not just a one trick pony.

5. "Everytime"

- Britney is not known as a balladeer, but this single off In The Zone haunted the top 40 for months. Her falsetto is delicate and proves that Spears can actually carry a tune, and the lyrics (rumored to be about the breakup with Justin Timberlake) reveal the vulnerability that would soon overtake her career and personal life.

4. "Piece of Me"

- Although Britney was in the midst of a mental breakdown during the recording of her album Blackout, it has been her most critically acclaimed disc ever, with a lot of the credit going to this single. "Piece of Me" was the first time Brit actually addressed the celebrity/paparazzi-driven life that was driving her crazy. It was another top 20 hit for Spears, but even more it was a milestone in a career where Spears rarely unveiled her true inner feelings.

3. "...Baby One More Time"

- The one that started it all. There's a reason why "Baby" is still one of her biggest hits, and most beloved pop songs ever. Right out the gate we are hit with Britney's nasally, sensual vocals, and with a little Max Martin pop magic sprinkled on top it became an instant classic.

2. "Circus"

- Britney had said that for her Circus album she did not want to reveal as much about her life as she had during her Blackout stage, but in this monster dance pop track, Britney still offers us an inside glimpse of the circus that is called her life. I'm a put on a show kind of girl, don't like the back seat, gotta be first.

1. "Toxic"

- For most true Britney fans, it's almost unanimous that "Toxic" is by far her best song EVER. From the production to the lyrics to the over the top music video, this top 10 hit has Britney at her best; Singing a high-octane dance track with some of the best producers (Bloodshy and Avant) in the biz. It won Spears her first (and only) Grammy award for Best Dance Recording, and set the standard for high-class pop.

Honorable Mentions: Born to Make You Happy, Stronger, Overprotected, Out From Under

(Image courtesy of startrip.tv)

1 Year Later and MJ Lives On

This week marks the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death. To commemorate his legacy, fans all over the world, including a bevy of media outlets, are putting together memorial pages that take a look at the troubled pop star's life and career.
Today Billboard released a Chart Beat column with some interesting statistics on MJ's ridiculously successful career. Here are some highlights:

* Male artist with the most #1 singles in history (13)

* Thriller is the best-selling album OF ALL TIME

* MJ's Bad album is the only album ever to yield 5 #1 singles.

RIP King of Pop

(Image courtesy of scrapetv.com)

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Heart is Broken

I needed a couple days to mourn, but now I can blog about it. The beloved Amanda Bynes has announced her retirement from acting at the ripe old age of 24. (sniff...sniff...Sob)
This is devastating news! Bynes has delivered some classic teen movies, like the legendary She's The Man, which I quote with my friends on a daily basis. Bynes said on her Twitter that she did not think acting was fun anymore and has decided to retire.


I hope that she'll be like many other celebs who say they are 'retiring' but really just take a year off and come back swingin'. I really really hope so.

if not, RIP Amanda Bynes' career. You will be sorely missed.
(Image courtesy of insidesocal.com)

Toy Story Dominates Box Office

It appears as if an eleven year break in between movies didn't scare off any fans, as Toy Story 3 grossed a staggering $109 million at the box office this weekend, becoming the biggest opener for a June movie EVER.

That hefty sum is also the third biggest opener for an animated film in history, just behind Shrek 2 and Shrek the Third. The film is expected to make around $400 million domestically, and is already getting some serious Oscar buzz!!

Congrats to Pixar, who have delivered each time with their fantastic films!
(Image courtesy of reelmovienews.com)

Gaga With Her Guns Blazin'

bom chica wa waaa!

Lady Gaga appears on the latest cover of Rolling Stone looking scandalously fanastic! No matter what anyone says about her, she must be commended for putting herself out there. At the moment she stands alone in pop music as being one of the most unique and daring artists out there, not to mention one of the most successful!

What do you think of the pic??

(Image courtesy of Rollingstone.com)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Crazy Things Celebs Say

"I am obsessed with Zac Efron. If it wouldn't be creepy, because he's a friend, I would have posters on my wall."

- Miley Cyrus to Access Hollywodd

(Image courtesy of girlstalkinsmack.com)

Britney Loves The Toys

Pop Queen Britney Spears made a rare public appearance looking FABULOUS at the Toy Story 3 premiere on Tuesday.

She looks super happy and her outfit is gorgeous!

It's been a great couple months for Brit Brit, overall. Although there are rumors her relationship with Jason Trawick is not going superbly, Britney and her kids have been seen all around LA looking as happy as can be! It's great to see her both personally and professionally on top!

I can't WAIT until we hear some new music from Spears. As you all probably know, her last single was the #1 smash "3", which was the first non-American Idol song to debut at #1 in 13 years!!

It's exciting to think of what she'll bring us next!!!
(Image courtesy of People.com)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Guilty Pleasure = Sparticus!!

If anyone has seen the first season of the Starz original show Sparticus, you know exactly what I mean when I call it a guilty pleasure. It is by no means, a revolutionary, critically acclaimed drama, but the series about enslaved gladiators during the Roman Times is soo entertaining I can barely stand it! I recommend that anyone who hasn't seen an episode do so, and judge for yourself. You are forewarned, though, the show is VERY racy, violent, and expletive heavy. But that's what makes it so good!

The series is currently on hiatus will star Andy Whitfield recovers from chemotherapy treatments after being diagnosed with cancer. They are actually filming a prequel while he recovers, which focuses on the early beginnings of the characters Batiatus (John Hannah) and Lucretia (played by the beloved Lucy Lawless. The second season should premiere sometime in the fall of 2011 (according to Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello.)

Can't wait!!
(image courtesy of community.post-gazette.com)

Perry Still at #1, Drake Breaks into top 10

Katy Perry stays on top of the Billboard Hot 100 with her latest single "California Gurls". The track sold nearly 350,000 digital copies over last week, and was both the greatest sales gainer and airplay gainer.

I guess she beat the sophomore slump! Her full-length album has not been released yet but based on the positive response to the first single I see a #1 album coming her way!

The Hot 100 is pretty boring this week, with no huge movement other than Drake breaking into the top 10 with his latest single "Find Your Love". Here's a rundown of the top 10 singles in the country:

1. Katy Perry "California Gurls"

2. Usher "OMG"

3. B.O.B. Feat. Hayley Williams "Airplanes"

4. Travis McCoy Feat. Bruno Mars "Billionaire"

5. Ke$ha "Your Love is My Drug"

6. Lady Gaga "Alejandro"

7. Taio Cruz Feat. Ludacris "Break Your Heart"

8. Eminem "Not Afraid"

9. The Black Eyed Peas "Rock That Body"

10. Drake "Find Your Love"

(Source: Billboard) (Image courtesy of swiperboots.wordpress.com)

More Country Music News

Country music has long been a male dominated industry, but recently a number of power house females have been stealing some of the boy's thunder. There are the obvious names that come to mind, like Carrie, Taylor, and Reba, but the woman with the #1 country song in the U.S. is a little more low key.

I'm talking about Miranda Lambert. Her single "The House That Built Me" is sitting comfy at the top of the country charts and has been for weeks now. Lambert was a finalist on the 2003 season of Nashville Star, but has cemented herself as a critically acclaimed songwriter and musician, accumulating 10 top 40 country singles and 3 #1 country albums.

She has displays a great dichotomy in her songwriting, switching from tough-as-nails-boy-hater tunes to a much more softer side, which is very evident on "The House That Built Me.

Take a listen to "The House That Built Me" now!

(Image courtesy of newsok.com)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Who is The #1 Country Artist of the Past 25 Years?

George Strait of course!

Billboard released a list of the 25 most successful country artists from the past 25 years, and although it's a predominantly male dominated list (only 5 women grace the list), some of our favorite ladies do make an appearance.

Ranking the highest is country legend Reba McEntire, who finished 3rd. The gregarious red head has 23 number one singles and continues to be a huge presence in country music. Faith Hill is at #16, the Dixie Chicks are #18, Martine McBride finishes at #23, and LeAnn Rimes rounds out the list at #25.

For a full list of the top 25 head over to Billboard now!

(Image courtesy of newsok.com)

All Hail The King

Mr. Beyonce Knowles is the latest cover model for Rolling Stone Magazine. All hail the king!!!

Glee Tops Chart Again, Christina's Bionic Disappoints

This probably comes as no surprise to many, but Christina Aguilera's new disc Bionic debuted at a disappointing #3 on this week's Billboard 200 Albums chart, selling only 110,000 copies. That is a HUGE decline from 2006's Back to Basics, which debuted at #1 with 346,000 copies sold.

It appears that Xtina is in the middle of an identity crisis; she says that she evolves and likes to change her sound all the time, but right now it just seems as if she is jumping on the auto-tune-sleeze-dance-pop ban wagon. And what makes it worse is that her new songs pale in comparison to that of dance pop divas like Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Britney.

Beating Aguilera this week were two soundtracks. The latest Glee soundtrack took the #1 spot this week, selling 152,000 copies, a very solid number for the franchise (but not such a solid number for a #1 album.)

The soundtrack to the new Eclipse came in at #2 with a reported 144,000 albums sold last week. The first two soundtracks for the Twilight movies (the original Twilight and New Moon) have sold millions, so it will be interesting to see how this one holds up.
(Image courtesy of nickcannon.com)

Katy Perry Loves Candy, Clouds, and Fluorescent Colors

The new Katy Perry video finally premiered today, and it's a bright colored bundle of energy!

The vid for "California Gurls" is like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory meets Candy Land; it's over the top, a little tacky, but super fun!

I think it's funny though, that Perry criticized Lady Gaga for her 'blasphemous' video for "Alejandro", but she is perfectly comfortable lying naked on a cloud and shooting, um, white cream out of her bra.

Watch the video here and tell me your thoughts!

(Image courtesy of bloginity.com)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Hate To Say This...

But I saw Sex and the City 2 the other day, and as much as a I love my NYC ladies the movie was not a home run.

To start, it ran 2 and a half hours, but did not really have any clear direction. The first movie chronicled Carrie dealing with Big f-ing up and not showing up to their wedding, and how she dealt with it and what happened after.

This one did not really have anything as interesting as that storyline. Carrie and Big are married and trying to beat the "terrible two's", after having been married for almost two years. When Carrie and the girls go on an exotic vacay in some random Middle Eastern country (that completely takes away the NYC vibe that made the show so fab), she finds, of all people, AIDEN, in the middle of this crazy country.

I won't say anything more, just that the clothes were great, the dialogue and script, not so much.

Have you seen it yet??

(Image courtesy of filmofilia.com)

Just Please Go Awwayy Already!

There's a new poll up at More Than Musiq, and this time it's asking about the celebrities that you would like to see go far far farrr away.

Yup, it's the which celebrity would you most want to see cast away on a deserted island?

And there's plenttyy to choose from! Starting with Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt. Now that they are splitting up it's only fitting that they are two separate choices.

You can also choose from Paula Abdul (sorry g-friend, you peaked in 1989), Tom Cruise (can somebody say scientolo-psycho!?), and Perez Hilton (nothing against bloggers, but Perez has become a pretentious boob since he's 'realized', or imagined, that he actually matters.)

So have fun kiddos and go vote!!

(Image courtesy of scrapetv.com)

Who's Your Personal Greatest?

Entertainment Weekly released a double issue of the 100 Greatest TV and Film Characters from the past 20 years, ranging from Rachel Green to Beatrix Kiddo from Kill Bill.

Who was named the greatest character!?!?!

Homer Simpson of course! The iconic Simpsons Character has been a pop culture landmark for 21 seasons, and beat out the likes of Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Tony Soprano!

Here's a rundown of the top 10:

1. Homer Simpson

2. Harry Potter

3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

4. Tony Soprano

5. The Joker (Heath Ledger)

6. Rachel Green from Friends

7. Edward Scissorhands

8. Hannibal Lecter

9. Carrie Bradshaw

10. SpongeBob Squarepants

Thoughts? Personally, I love that Carrie Bradshaw, AKA Sarah Jessica Parker's fashionista character in Sex and the City is in the top 10. But I'm a little baffled by SpongeBob...For a full list head to EW.com

Too Much Gaga? There's No Such Thing!

Lady Gaga continues to rewrite the record books, as her latest single "Alejandro" has become her 7th top 10 single on the United World Charts. No other artist has scored 7 top tens from one album, EVER!

She just broke Michael Jackson's record for 6 worldwide top 10 hits off of his history Thriller album. Out of all Gaga's accomplishments over the past couple of years, this one is definitely up there!

Gaga's album The Fame has sold nearly 8 million copies world wide, another huge accomplishment considering album sales are in the shitter!


(Image courtesy of atlanticcityhotels.wordpress.com)

Hiatus Over! Back to the Grind

It has been a hectic couple of weeks, and apologies for the delay in posts! But let's get back on track.

The More Then Musiq poll has been closed, and YOU chose Matt Damon as the celeb you'd most want to see in the White House! Damon garnered 62% of the votes, well ahead of the second place finisher, funny lady Ellen Degeneres, who scored 37% of the votes.

Both good choices in my book! But Damon definitely has some qualities of a good politician; he's extremely active in many political and social causes and is always donating his time and money for issues that he feels are very important!

Stay tuned for the next More Than Musiq Poll!

(Image courtesy of julieluongo.files.wordpress.com)