Monday, June 21, 2010

My Heart is Broken

I needed a couple days to mourn, but now I can blog about it. The beloved Amanda Bynes has announced her retirement from acting at the ripe old age of 24. (sniff...sniff...Sob)
This is devastating news! Bynes has delivered some classic teen movies, like the legendary She's The Man, which I quote with my friends on a daily basis. Bynes said on her Twitter that she did not think acting was fun anymore and has decided to retire.


I hope that she'll be like many other celebs who say they are 'retiring' but really just take a year off and come back swingin'. I really really hope so.

if not, RIP Amanda Bynes' career. You will be sorely missed.
(Image courtesy of


  1. This is so sad. I love Amanda Bynes, from her amazing body of work to the annyoingly long and straight pieces of hair hanging in her face that never seem to make it into her ponytail. She will be so so missed, by me, by teens everywhere, and by all the leading men who just lost their dreams of starring opposite such a comedic genius.

  2. She was all that in all that... so sexy

  3. Hahaha, I have a feeling though she won't be gone for long. When her millions start to run out, she'll be back!
