Monday, June 28, 2010

Chris Brown's Road to Redeeming Himself?

I didn't think it was possible, but Chris Brown may have begun the process of redeeming himself last night at the BET Awards.

His dance tribute to Michael Jackson was SO phenomenal, and at the end when he broke down and started crying and couldn't sing, it seemed genuine. Wow.

People in the audience gave him a standing ovation, rightfully so. I have never seen such an on-point tribute to MJ, it was unbelievable. Brown's career has been in the crapper ever since he beat up ex-girlfriend Rihanna, and I assumed he'd be out for the count...forever.

But after last night, i don't know. It really proved that this kid has some serious talent. It will be interesting to see if the industry accepts him back in after everything he has done and been through.

Watch the performance HERE.


(Image courtesy of


  1. I absolutely couldn't agree more!! That performance was amazing!! It is the best tribute I've seen thus far, and possibly the best MJ moves I've ever seen anyone impersonate... and trust me, I've watched my fair shair of MJ performances. I think the excitment that we felt waching him perform reminded us of how truly talented Chris Breezy is!! He CLEARLY put a lot of hard work into it. And the breakdown at the end did seem truly genuine. What he did to Rhianna will never be forgotten, but that performance proved that the public may be able to move on. At the end of the day, we're all human and we all need second chances.

  2. I agree! Let's see if he can revive his career after this!
