Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Update: "3" Sitting Comfy at #1, Justin Bieber New Teen Dream

In less than 16 hours of release Britney Spears' new single "3" has skyrocketed to the #1 position on Itunes Top 100, and continues to increase in radio airplay.

Wow! I guess people are really in three-ways! Critics and fans are saying that this is Britney's most explicitly over the top sexual song she has released during her decade long career, and apparently everyone is enjoying it!

Sitting in the runner-up position on Itunes is newcomer Justin Bieber, I think he's like 7 years-old or something...just kidding, but he's super young and all the teeny boppers are head over heels about him.

Justin's new single "One Less Lonely Girl" is gearing up to be a substantial hit on the charts. Could this mean the resurgence of teen pop!!!?

(Image courtesy of

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