Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Pretty Woman!

America's Sweetheart, or I guess I should say America's 'former' Sweetheart, Julia Roberts, turns 42-years old today!

Happy Birthday!

Ever since she first graced our presence with her breakout role in 1988's Mystic Pizza, Roberts has been entertaining the masses with her million-dollar smile and impressive acting chops.

In the last 5 years, though, she's been kind of keeping it low key, and the movies she's released during this time have been nothing special (did anybody see Duplicity? Ya, me neither.)

I think it's time for a Julia Roberts comeback! We all want to see another Oscar-worthy performance like Erin Brockovitch (in which she actually did win the Oscar), it's long over due!

So Julia, get back out there! Leave Phinnaeus and Hazel with the baby sitter and get crackin'!

(Image courtesy of

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