Friday, October 30, 2009

Britney Debuts New Video

Britney Spears has just released the video to her #1 single "3", after teasing fans all week by releasing 5 second clips over the last couple days.

And the verdict?

It's pretty good. Brit looks ridiculously good and the black and white motif makes is very visually stimulating! She's moving around a lot, but I'd like to see more choreographed dancing, to be completely honest.

But it's hard to complain, since the single has already become a huge success and doesn't really need an accompanying video to go along with it. I guess it's just icing on the cake!!

Check out the video for Britney's "3".

(Image courtesy of


  1. oh... the stimulation was visual?

  2. I completely agree..LOVE how awesome Brit Brit looks but the choreography is still lackig..still a little catatonic Brit! I will still be first in line to buy The Collection though! :o)
