Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Return of Chris Brown?

Since he beat the crap out of Rihanna last year, Chris Brown has seen his career go from one of the hottest R&B/Pop stars in the world to a C-Level singer who can barely crack the top 40.

But his latest single "Deuces" is beginning to pick up steam. It has reached the top 5 on the R&B charts, and is beginning to score an audience in top 40 radio as well. This leads me to ask the question - Has enough time passed that people have finally forgiven him?

I mean, Brown was a HUGE star before he assaulted Rihanna (who was an even bigger star than he was so he was screweeedd), and obviously people like his music a lot.

Take a listen to "Deuces", and share your thoughts? Do you like the song? And if you do, are you ready to accept him back to the pop music world?

(Image courtesy of


  1. Listen, Chris Brown is extremely talented and damn sexy--but there is absolutely nothing that excuses his behavior. He is a celebrity, thereby making him a role model for many around the world; there is already too much unreported domestic abuse globally. It's just plain wrong that the music execs are allowing the Rihanna incident to slide. Furthermore, it's clear that Brown doesn't have the balls to realize it's his time to step out of the spotlight for his degrading and violent acts.

  2. It would be much more productive, and ballsy, if he could introduce themes or undertones of respect in his new music instead of the disrespect so often heard in music today rather than slinking away from the spotlight. We desperately need strong role models, especially people who can change their life after making mistakes rather than letting their past actions become who they are.
