Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Holy Blood Lust Batman!

Check out the latest cover of Rolling Stone magazine, with True Blood hotties Alexander Skarsgard, Anna Paquin, and Stephen Moyer completely naked and dripping with blood.

Soo scandalous!!!
True Blood is definitely one of the most provocative shows on TV, and this season has been so completely crazy! Have you been tuning into the hot/sexy/creepy/bloody-greatness of the show!?!

(Image courtesy of Rollingstone.com)


  1. OMGGGG my favorite, this is the wackiest, sexiest best show on t.v. now!!!!! <3

  2. Stephen Moyer got to grab his own GF's boob and then they just put that on the cover of Rolling Stone. What a life.

  3. Haha, aren't they married now? BTW amazing title Tim - you're right, you should be a comedian hahaa.

  4. Haha, oh Caitlin. You slay me.

  5. Crazy cover, been trying to catch some episodes over here but not having much luck. Hows the new season going?

  6. The new season is AMAZING. Season finale on Friday!!
