Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ricky Martin Comes Out...Big Surprise?

Latin heartthrob Ricky Martin has FINALLY come out of the closet as a gay man, after over a decade of speculation.

First off, congratulations!

But secondly, ummm it was not a huge surprise to most. Since he burst on to the U.S. music scene in 1999 with his #1 hit "Living La Vida Loca" there has been much speculation regarding his sexuality, but he always kept things hush-hush.

Not anymore! Martin is now a proud and out gay man!

While he is still a huge part of the Latin music world, Martin has not release any English-language music in quite some time. Perhaps with all of this new media publicity he'll jump back on the wagon!

(Image courtest of

1 comment:

  1. When I told people the news yesterday, I kept getting the same response "Isn't he out already?" So of course this doesn't come as a big surprise to most, and in the world of Adam Lambert and Elton John...maybe gay pop singers can be successful, but I am particularly interested to see how this plays out with record sales and popularity, especially in the Latin world...
