Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

A big happy Birthday is in order for our girl Keri Russell who turns 34 today! The former star of Felicity has been pretty low-key and not doing too much lately. The last big movie she was in was 2008's Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler, which, if I do say so myself, was a pretty crappy film!!

But she's still young, and gorgeous! So I'm sure she's got some mojo left in her yet!!

Happy Birthday!!

(Image courtesy of


  1. She was SO good on Scrubs, even though she was only in 2 or 3 episodes, it made me respect her a lot more.... which is a lot to say after I saw Waitress...

  2. i like her a lot! I just thought she'd be doing bigger and better things by now...
