Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chris Colfer = Golden Globe Winner!

This is SO Great!

Glee's Chris Colfer just won the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor in a TV Series Musical or Comedy!!

He totally deserves it. His character Kurt is the most prominent gay figure on television right now, and he delivers an emotional performance every week. And in season two, where most of the scripts and story lines are a little dull and predictable, Colfer still packs an emotional punch as the only openly gay student who faces bullying and taunting every day.


AND on a different note...

This is More Than Musiq's 500th blog post!! I can't believe it's been over a year and a half since I first started writing this bad boy, but it's been so fun! Thanks to all who are reading!

(Image courtesy os

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on 500! Can't believe there was ever a time where the world didn't have MoreThanMusiq!
