Thursday, October 22, 2009

New More Than Musiq Poll!

There's a new poll at More Than Musiq!

This time, we're asking what show from the past you'd like to see back on the air! We have a number of classic sitcoms that you can choose from.

Friends, Seinfeld, and Will & Grace all had long runs during their time on air, while Freaks and Geeks only lasted one season, but developed a huge cult following in the process. (Freaks also had a cast filled with future stars such as James Franco, Seth Rogen and Jason Segal.

Which one would you pick??

(Image courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. I had to vote for Freaks and Geeks - even though I am fully aware that the show with the same actors could never be back on the air, but that is how I would want it. I love Friends more, but I wouldn't want to ruin what it already had. So good.
