Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kanye May Have SERIOUSLY Screwed Up

Kanye, Kanye, Kanye, you dumb dumb rapper.

The firestorm of criticism that West got from storming the stage has not died down, in fact, it's running even more rampant, as it is now being reported that Kiss 95.1 in Florida is boycotting the rapper because of what he said during his tirade.


The station says that they are asking listeners whether or not they should keep the ban or play his music, so it might not last forever. But still, that blows for Kanye.

On the up side, Jay Leno is reaping the benefits of Kanye's escapades, seeing HUGE ratings last night for the debut of the Jay Leno Show with Kanye as his first guest. And Leno didn't shy away from asking some pretty intense questions, asking Kanye what his deceased mother would think of his actions.


In even MORE good news for people who've benefited off of Kanye's stupidity, the MTV VMA's this year saw a 17% increase in viewers from last year's awards. That is HUGE! over 27 million people tuned in and witnessed Kanye make a fool of himself.

Good, I'm glad. I hope this brings him down a level.

(Image courtesy of 3.bp.blogspot.com)

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