Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Friends With Benefits = Cute, Stupid, Fun

Justin Timberlake has put his music career on hold to pursue the actor's lifestyle, and so far he's done a pretty decent job at convincing people he can deliver the goods. Case in point - Friends with Benefits.

The movie is a typical rom-com featuring two hotties (one obviously being JT and the other is the always stunning Mila Kunis), who decide to to start hooking up while maintaining the idea that they won't get emotionally involved blah blah blah...

The point is, Timberlake has proven to the world that he is a decent actor; he's not an amazing actor (yet), but he's definitely got his former flame beat.

But here's the thing - Justin wasn't just an okay musician, he was a pretty frickin' talented musician with one of the most distinguishable voices/styles in popular music.

So although we've accepted the fact that he may be on the silver screen for the time being, I think the most of his fans are still waiting for his return to the music world.

(Image courtesy of

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