Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Adele, Katy Perry Lead Mid Year Music Sales

It's hard to believe that 2011 is already half over, but Billboard/SOUNDSCAN have released the mid-year sales numbers for albums and digital songs, and two of our favorite divas are coming out on top!

Adele's breakthrough album 21 is currently the best-selling album of the year in the U.S. over 2.5 million in sales, miles ahead of the runner-up, (Lady Gaga's Born This Way), with 1.5 million copies sold so far. And my bet is that it will stay the top seller!

The albums in the #3 and 4 spots may come as a surprise to some, with Mumford and Sons Sigh No More and Jason Aldean's My Kinda Party holding it down behind the gals. Aldean's "Dirt Road Anthem" is a smash on country radio and is steadily climbing the pop charts, while the Mumford Boys have been consistent sellers all year.

And don't worry, Britney is holding her own as well, as her 7th studio album Femme Fatale is currently the #12 best-seller, and looks as if it will move into the top 10 by the end of the year!

On the singles side, Katy Perry and Adele dominate again, with Perry's "E.T." selling 4.12 million digital copies in just 6 months, while "Rolling in the Deep" is slowly closing in with 4.08 million sold.

And yup, Brit's "Till the World Ends" is in the top 20, holding down the #18 position with just under 2 million singles sold.

Very impressive girls! Click here to check out the top 20 singles and albums of 2011 (so far).

(Image courtesy of

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