Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oscar Nominations: No Big Surprises

This morning the Oscar Nominations were announced and as expected, award favorites Avatar and the Hurt Locker both scored a leading 9 nominations, including nods for Best Picture and Best Director for James Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow.

Following closely behind these two films was Inglourious Basterds, which snared 8 noms.

In the acting categories there was only one real surprise and it came in the form of one of my fave gal's Maggie Gyllhaal, who was nominated for her role in Crazy Heart.

I was soo excited to see her name on the list! Maggie is a fantastic actress...with a super hot brother!!!

But unfortunately for her, a nomination is all she's gonna get this year, because there is NO stopping Mo'Nique, who has literally picked up every supporting actress award this year for her role in Precious.

I think everyone knows she's going to win, and I think Mo'Nique knows it too!

Other familiar faces include Sandra Bullock and Meryl Streep who are competing for Best Lead Actress for their roles in The Blind Side and Julie and Julia, and Jeff Bridges, who looks like a sure thing to win the Best Actor trophy for his role in Crazy Heart.

For a full list of nominees click here!

(Image courtesy of www.cbc.ca)

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